Computer science careers have expanded as the uses of computers have evolved over time. New industries and technologies have emerged due to the increasing utilization of computers and digital communication technologies. Almost all sectors of the economy use computing services in one way or the other.
What Computer Science Entails
Today, about 90% of all avenues have integrated the use of computers and related hardware in their fields. Many universities offer computer science degrees to foster the innovation and bring new technologies. When one successfully finishes a computer science degree, he or she will be able to work in various places. One can work as a software engineer, database administrator, system analyst, cloud computing engineer, web developer, etc. The career of a computer science graduate is wide.
Computer Science careers span the range from theory (researchers) through programming to the hi-tech development of computing solutions. The job of a computer scientist falls into five main categories as discussed below.
Designing and Building Software
When one chooses a career path in the creation, building, and designing of software, he or she will delve into various aspects of interface design, web development, mobile computing, cloud computing, online encryption, open source development, etc. This career path is interesting and its lines of work continue to expand because of continuous innovation and development of new technologies that require more and more sophisticated computing systems.
Career opportunities in the software engineering exist in computer service companies, software development companies and across industries (including healthcare, banking, transport, telecommunication, education, government).
Data Science and Big Data

With so much data being generated all the time, often automatically, data science career options are booming.
Data scientists are in demand across most industries. Job opportunities are growing in line with expanded production of useful data. Data analysis and management experts complete tasks such as predicting future market trends, increasing sales conversion rates and analysing business development.
As a data scientist, you basic job is to analyse information. You need skills and knowledge in areas such as programming, statistics, software engineering, machine learning, customer behavioral analysis and linear algebra. While challenging, many benefits are on offer by pursuing a career in this discipline, often related to the dynamic nature of the work and the potential to deliver great value to companies.
Computer Research Scientist
This is a career path taken by those individuals who have the zeal to unravel new uses of computers and improve the functionality of the existing computer systems. Anyone who wants to venture in this path must prepare to undergo advanced post-graduate work in a computer research institution. After enormous research and coming up with innovations, one can become a lecturer at a university or a top computer research scientist of a particular organization.
Computer Systems Analyst
Complicated uses of computers such as in large manufacturing industries often come with all sorts of computing problems. Therefore, there is need to find solutions for these issues. A computer scientist in this field is expected to apply and develop algorithms using theoretical knowledge to provide long-term solutions for various computing problems. A career path that would enable successful application and development of algorithms for commercial purposes requires graduate work to the PhD level. This should be accompanied by intensive research in a particular area.
Managing Organizational Technology Infrastructure
This is the type of work whereby one manages the computer systems of an organization including information technology (IT) systems and computer hardware to ensure smooth running of processes in an organization. This career will involve things such as installing new computing systems, managing the organization’s website, encrypting the organization’s systems, etc.
Cyber Security is a large and growing field within the broad sphere of systems management. Cyber security courses are available for both true computer science professionals and general managers who coordinate technical activities. The job of a cyber security manager is to protect the systems, digital assets and reputation of an organization.
Final Thoughts
Research indicates that computer science career opportunities are expected to grow by 15% in the next decade. This is owed to the growing use of the internet. Computer science is a promising study field and key to the development of new technologies.
Any computer-science related career has a great future. We will reach a time where almost everything will be digitized. Programming language training should feature in the education of many young people. If you have an aptitude and liking for it, career opportunities will be there.